Price: 50 руб.
DOI: 22224378.2018.6.73.77
A young vocalist, who has successfully passed through a huge contest when entering a
music school, steps on the path of professional self-determination. This is the starting
point at which the creative potential of a future artist starts to be identifed and realised.
There are many challenges along this path, whose overcoming is necessary to turn a
gifted young man or girl into a professional vocalist, who is active in the modern space
of culture featuring the enormous complexity and inconsistency of social processes. The
paper analyses the growth of a vocalist as a creator of a new artistic space.
Key words: phenomenon of a singing voice, singer’s mission, subject of creative action,
cognitive activity and cognitive interest, pedagogical analysis, self-determination, selfesteem, self-control, self-realisation, self-actualisation.