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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 38 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Alois Nožička’s “Anti-Esthetic Still Lifes” of the 1960s and George Bataille’s Concept of the Formless

I. A. Shik
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the specifi cs of Czech photographer A. Nožička’s “anti-esthetic still lifes” in the context of French philosopher G. Bataille’s concept of the formless. The idea of the formless, which received the complex theoretical interpretation in the work of R. Krauss and Y.-A. Bois “Formless: A User’s Guide” (1997), is one of the keys to the conceptual specifi cs of the contemporary art. The author comes to the conclusion that
A. Nožička’s “anti-esthetic still lifes” of the 1960s are a textbook example for the category of the formless reception in Surrealist photography and actualizes such aspects as “low materialism”, “horizontality”, “pulse” and “entropy”. The author concludes that A. Nožička’s “anti-esthetic still lifes” eliminate the cultural vertical, make the object of art out of something traditionally excluded from the sphere of the social and aesthetic, inspire
the desire and death as the only authentic reality and stubbornly resist any
Keywords: contemporary art, Czech art, photography, Surrealism, formless, antiestetism, A. Nožička.
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Price: 50 рублей
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