O. V. Marchenko
Price: 50 руб.
This article represents a brief and visual description of the main stages of creating string instruments on the example of a violin and a bow. In addition, it considers the most important trends in the work of Italian and other European masters, who created excellent musical instruments. Knowledge of the individual master’s manner or distinctive
features of the school will help a violinist to evaluate the instrument and its authenticity. The article can be of particular interest not only to students of musical universities, who study the course “History of Performing Arts”, but also to teachers, orchestra musicians, collectors and violin music lovers.
Keywords: violin makers; evolution of the bow; history of performing art; pitch of the sound.
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7. Simone F. Sakkoni. Sekrety Stradivari. Kremona, 1972. 144 s.
8. Karel Jalovec / Karel Yalovets. Italienishegeigenbauer / Ital’yanskiy skripichnyi
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