The paper proposes to outline the features of the author’s philosophical outlook on the
basis of logical and semantic analysis of the mentions of the name Pericles in Thucydides’s History of the Peloponnesian War. Pericles is the most notable character of this work, although he is present only in two books of eight ones. The author seeks to show that all references to the name of Pericles are built by the ancient Greek historian according to a certain pattern: the increase in the importance of Pericles for Athens in the first half and his special function in the Peloponnesian War in the second half. This type of image building has much in common with the creation of characters in the classical Greek drama. Despite the fact that Thucydides is known as a strict and accurate historian, he creates his images according to the laws of poetry, which helps us to get an idea of his philosophical attitudes.
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