Price: 50 руб.
Since the late 19th and early 20th century, the key concept of the arts was innovation,
its development resulting in the diversified forms of arts. In recent years, education in
the Chinese arts institutes faced the challenge from this trend, especially in sculpture
education. How to explore various ways to tackle the problem of innovation in art
education on the rich base of tradition – this becomes an emerging issue. Our teaching
practice has proved that the draft-oriented teaching methodology can better display the
process of arts creation. In this way, students can learn how to apply these strategies to
their own works, obtain the experience of creative thinking, and improve their expressive
means. More importantly, the younger generation of Chinese sculptors can develop their
critical thinking and innovative consciousness in practice.
Key words: arts diversification, sculpture teaching, sculpture draft, ability of critical
thinking, understanding of innovation in modern sculpture.
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