A. V. Zyukin, L. N. Shelkova, M. E. Leppik, S. A. Barchenko
Price: 50 руб.
The article studies the interest of pedagogical students in physical culture classes and
its influence on the level of their physical readiness. The authors reveal the indexes of
students’ satisfaction with the organisation and methods of conducting various forms of
physical culture. The article establishes the interrelation of motivation and the level of
students’ motor activity and formulates the tasks of using the forms and methods of sports training at senior courses. The authors define organisational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the physical culture programme oriented to mass sports. The research was aimed at increasing the level of physical fitness of students through the creation of organisational and pedagogical conditions stimulating their motivation for physical training. The results of the research show that giving the priority to sports activities that meet students’ personal interests has an effective impact on the solution of educational tasks of training pedagogical specialists.
Key words: motivation for physical education, organisational and pedagogical
conditions that ensure the effectiveness of a physical education programme, level of
physical readiness.
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