Yu. V. Nazarova, M. M. Chabdarov
Price: 50 руб.
The article deals with the normative aspect of professional ethics. Ethical regulation in
the normative aspect is the work on formation and development of the ethical code of a
profession. The article is devoted to the analysis of the domestic and foreign experience
of codification of architects’ professional ethics. The place and role of professional ethics
in the standard of the architect profession is considered. The main ethical principles of
the architect profession are reconstructed based on the ethical analysis of normative
documents. The authors carry out the ethical analysis of the international standard of the
architect profession, domestic and foreign codes of the architect ethics. The authors also
consider the prospects for the development of the normative aspect of the professional
ethics of architects in Russia.
Key words: ethics of architectural activity, code of professional ethics, ethical
principles of a profession, collegium of professional ethics of architects, standard of the
architect profession.
1. Arkhitekturnyi vestnik: Professional’naya etika kak sakramental’naya tema (po itogam kruglogo stola v TsDA). 30.01.2012. URL: http://archi.ru/events/4775/kruglyi-stol-arhitektor-rynok-i-etika (data obrashcheniya: 26.01.2018).
2. Kodeks professional’noy etiki arkhitektora. Soyuz arkhitektorov Rossii. URL: http://uar.ru/docs/uar_docs/codex_of_proffesional_ethics/ (data obrashcheniya: 15.02.2018).
3. Nazarova Yu. V. Aksiologiya i antropologicheskie praktiki parlamentskoy kul’tury. Tula: Izd-vo TGPU im. L. N. Tolstogo, 2013. 223 s.