S. V. Busov, M. R. Zobova, A. F. Rodukov
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The article analyses the relationship between the problem of development and the problem of complexity both from the dialectical and materialistic positions and in terms
of synergetics. It was found out that the phenomenological approaches transfer these
problems to the category of paradoxes (antinomies). The traditional criticism of the
synergetic approach on the part of opponents adhering to dialectical materialism (in
this case representing the Perm philosophical school) is fair in relation to physical synergetics which in fact represents phenomenology of self-organisation processes. The
authors of the article adhere to the principles of the Saint Petersburg school of social
synergetics which studies the paradox of development and the paradox of complexity
at the level of essenciology. In contrast to Marx and Hegel conceptions of development,
the synergetic concept explores not only the “evolution of order”, but also the “evolution
of chaos”. This vector corresponds to the philosophical principle of “the increase in
the degree of synthesis of order and chaos” introduced by Vladimir Branskiy, the leader
of the Saint Petersburg school of social synergetics. In the context of this principle the
development appears as a result of selection. Therefore, the transition from simplicity
to complexity at the essential level appears to be a transition from simple selection to
superselection, that is, to the selection of selection factors themselves. The presence of
superselection in nature suggests that the evolutionary nature of the complex is based
not on simple addition of elements and parts, layers and levels, but on the emergence
and improvement of the mechanisms of selection.
Key words: open system, order, chaos, self-organisation, paradox, development, complexity,
selection, superselection, nonlinearity, fractal object.
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