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The article deals with the analysis of diffi culties in performing ensemble fragments in K. Nielsen’s Concerto for clarinet & orchestra, Op. 57. The history of its creation, the structure
and specifi c features of performing this work are discussed in the article. In the conclusion the author highly appreciates the Concerto for clarinet and orchestra by K. Nielsen.
Keywords: clarinet, instrumental music, Carl Nielsen; Concerto for clarinet and
orchestra; clarinetists; conductors.
1. Mamontova N. L. Karl Nil’sen. Instrumental’noe tvorchestvo: dis. … kand.
iskusstvovedeniya. –– 17.00.02 / N. L. Mamontova.M., 2007. 172 s.
2. Nil’sen Karl. Zhivaya muzyka: sb. st.SPb.: Kul’tInformPress, 2005. 128 s.
3. Carl Nielsen til samtid. Copenhagen, 1999. 513 p.
4. Sympson R. Carl Nielsen, Symphonist / R. Sympson. London: Dent, 1952. 80 p.
Rev. ed. London: Kahn&Averill, 1979. 84 p.