V. V. Shulin
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the issue of piano performance in jazz. The author analyses music playing experience, considers peculiarities of the interpretation tool, directly related to the specifi city of jazz stylistic canons, which attributes to two major performing types: functionality due to playing in the ensemble and desire for individualization resulting from improvisation, performance and freedom of music interpretation.
Keywords: jazz, light music, piano, interpretation of instruments, music perfor mance,
music style.
1. Kollier Dzh. Stanovlenie dzhaza: Populyarnyi istoricheskiy ocherk / per. s angl.
A. Medvedev. M.: Raduga, 1984. 392 s.
2. Gridley Mark C. Jazz. History and analysis. New-Jersey, 1985.446 pp.