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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 36 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Intertextual Inclusions as a Means of Stylistic Defamation in the Novel «Kys»

Li Zun
Price: 50 руб.
 Analyzing intertextual inclusions of the novel «Kys», the author of the paper proves that using the stylistic detachment - the linguistic transformation of the citative intertext, the author of the novel describes a unique image of space, the era that began after the completion of the world’s human history , in terms of the unity of the ironic tone.
The removal of this epoch, expressing Tolstoy’s idea on the nature of evolution and degradation of the Russian society in future, was refl ected in the strange language of inhabitants of the new emerged society.
Keywords: Russian literature, Tatyana Tolstaya, “Kys”, estrangement, intertextuality.
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448 s.
7. Shklovskiy V. B. Gamburgskiy schet: Stat’i — vospominaniya — esse (1914–
1933) URL: http://e-libra.ru/read/250716-gamburgskij-schet-stati-vospominaniya (data
obrashcheniya: 27.10.2012).
Price: 50 рублей
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