At the turn of the XIXth – XXth centuries, Chinese migrants played a visible role in the economy and social life of many countries, including Russia and Japan. In these two nations, conventional migration factors were mostly favorable for the infl ow of Chinese migrants. The migration situation suggested that well-rooted and developed Chinese communities should have been formed in both nations. In the discussed period, Chinese migration to Russia and Japan, as well as formation of ethnic communities were infl uenced by a similar set of factors. The nature of migration to these countries drastically
differed from that of other parts of the world. Very often, political events that involved Russia and Japan gave impetus to a migration wave, and ironically, those waves were put to end by further political events. The role and infl uence of irregular migration factors at the main historical stages proved to be much stronger than that of the conventional once. Consequently, unlike the U.S., Canada, European and Southeast Asian nations, no Chinese community had existed in the USSR until 1980s. In Japan, such a community was extremely small, divided and isolated from the Mainland China.
Keywords: Chinese migration to Russia and Japan, late XIX — first half of the XX century,
migration factors.
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