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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 36 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

V. Vysotsky and the time of new media

E. A.Bogatyreva
Price: 50 руб.
 Despite being precluded from publishing in print media, which was regarded at his time as the main or even the only pathway to broad recognition, Vysotsky’s poetry became famous and popular. His rhymes and songs were disseminated on magnetic tapes. As a
result, this collision between publication and distribution boosted the growth of more marginal media by giving them a competitive advantage over common and popular ones. What we also owe to Vysotzky is the fact that he prepared us for the adoption of new
communication technologies.
Keywords: works of V. Vysot sky, tape recordings of Vysotskyworks, V. Vysotsky and
new media.
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2. Bakhtin M. M. Sobranie sochineniy. M.: Russkie slovari, 1996. T. 5. 732 s.
3. Bakhtin M. M. Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. M.: Iskusstvo, 1986. 445 s.
4. Bogatyryova E. A. Publika kak predmet issledovaniya // Istoricheskaya
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5. Khabermas Yu. Moral’noe soznanie i kommunikativnoe deystvie. SPb.: Nauka,
2001. 380 s.
6. Khrenov N. A. Publika v istorii kul’tury. Fenomen publiki v rakurse psikhologii
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7. Habermas J. Sprechakttheoretische Erläuterungen zum Begriff der kommunikativen
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Frankfurt a. M., 1995. 607 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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