A. I. Ikonnikov
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the development of new forms of work with affective, subjective,
personal experiences in teaching arts and crafts to art students. The author analyses the
works devoted to the philosophy of art, phenomenological and existential philosophy,
researches on perception and understanding of works of art. Practice of experiencing,
processes of meaning generation and expression of personal meaning through art by
students specifies that only non-intentional phenomenology can base our openness
to the world as such and the content of this world. Respectively, the author considers
that in mastering arts and crafts a student should not convey schemes and rules, but
“experience”, “live through” the variety of the world and life.
Key words: modern art practice, subjectivity, affect, training, chart, personal experiences, non-intentional phenomenology.
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