V. V. Nekrasov, A. A. Dyachkov
Price: 50 руб.
The adaptive abilities of young officers are closely related to the development of design
competencies in professional activities. The article presents the structure of the subjective
well-being of officers and the results of the empirical study on the development of their
design competence. The article also specifies the diagnostics of the officers’ motivational
Key words: adaptation, design competence, subjective well-being, professional activity.
1. Nekrasov V. V. Vidy, struktura urovni razvitiya professional’noy kompetentsii ofitserov v
pedagogicheskoy psikhologii // Sovremennye issledovaniya sotsial’nykh problem (elektronnyi nauchnyi zhurnal). 2015. № 6 (50). S. 462–472.
2. Nekrasov V. V. Razvitie proektirovochnoy kompetentsii kak usloviya vozniknoveniya professional’nogo i sub’yektivno-lichnostnogo blagopoluchiya u ofitserov vnutrennikh voysk: monografiya / V. V. Nekrasov, A. G. Shabanov, A. A. D’yachkov, P. Yu. Naumov. Krasnoyarsk: Nauchno-innovatsionnyi tsentr, 2015. 168 s.