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The article examines the role of the pianist J. Banowetz in familiarising Chinese
musicians and a wide audience with A. Rubinstein’s music. The writer analyses the
features of Rubinstein’s compositional style and those of Banowetz’s interpretations.
The article discusses the performance of some Rubinstein’s works by the American
pianist, in particular, “The Stone Island” album.
Key words: piano, Russian composers, composition, stage, performer, virtuoso,
listener, style, perception, creativity.
1. Anton Grigor’yevich Rubinshteyn. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 28.01.2018).
2. Anton Rubinshteyn «O muzyke v Rossii». URL: (data obrashcheniya: 28.01.2018).
3. Klyuchnikova E. V. Kak ispolnyat’ russkuyu fortepiannuyu muzyku M.: Klassika-XXI, 2009. 155 s.
4. Martinsen K. Individual’naya fortepiannaya tekhnika na osnove zvukotvorcheskoy voli / per. s nem. V. L. Mikhelis. M.: Muzyka, 1966. 220 s.
5. Neygauz G. Ob iskusstve fortepiannoy igry. Zapiski pedagoga. 2-e izd. M.: Gos. muz izd., 1961. 320 s.
6. Rubinshteyn A. Korob mysley. Aforizmy i mysli. M.; SPb.: «Olma-Press», 1999. 320 s.