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The Scientific Opinion №1 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018


S. V. Khusainova
Price: 50 руб.
The relevance of the paper is connected with studying the transformations of
behaviour, ideas and beliefs of participants of educational relations in the educational
environment. The paper is aimed to identify the responses of a subject to the external,
personal and social influence. The external influence involves negative conditions
of a subject in experiences, which cause conformism, lack of the subject’s own
position, search for an opinion leader. The paper presents a psychological experiment
on the susceptibility to the influence of teachers (persons with higher education,
professional teachers at higher education institutions). The author analyses the
results of identifying the specifics of emotional and behavioural reactions of teachers
and shows the reasons for the change of ideas of educational relations participants
for maintaining the safety of the educational environment and i ts balance according
to the management hierarchy. The paper is intended for psychologists, postgraduate
students in the field of psychological safety of the educational environment and
professional addictions.
Key words: educational environment, subject, influence, susceptibility to influence,
psychological safety.
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6. Mukhametzyanova F. Sh., Khusainova S. V., Kamaleyeva A. R. Psikhologo-pedagogicheskie usloviya profilaktiki ekstremistskogo povedeniya uchashcheysya molodezhi // Kazanskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal. 2016. № 4. S. 19–24.
7. Khusainova S. V., Mukhametzyanov I. Sh. Issledovanie osobennostey psikhologicheskoy zashchishchennosti uchastnikov obrazovatel’nykh otnosheniy // Chelovek i obrazovanie. 2017. № 2. S. 29–33.
8. Khusainova S. V. et all. Research of teachers professional addictions in order to improve the safety of the educational environment / S. V. Khusainova, M. M. Mishina, V. R. Shlychkov, O. N. Shlychkova, E. B. Redkina, V. Z. Yusupov // Man in India. 2017. № 3 (97). С. 467–475.
Price: 50 рублей
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