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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 34 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Image Potential of Press Release as a Syncretic Genre (on the Example of Press Releases of Russian Economic Forums)

A. V. Kudrina
Price: 50 руб.
The press release as an operative-news genre of the media discourse exists at the junction of journalism and PR. Its ambivalence becomes even more uncertain with the development of Internet communications and media convergence processes, including those that combine journalism and PR. Information and infl uence as the main functions of a press release allow the same text to easily change its genre status of a PR message to journalistic news in the process of navigating in the Internet space. A signifi cant number of features that bring press release closer to journalistic
information genres, allows it to achieve the image goals implicitly, without stating the PR intentions of the sender. The mixed nature of the press release is inseparable from the issue of adherence to a specifi c mode of rhetoric, as well as to some of the latest global trends that are related to the PR making inroads to journalism and freedom of the media per se.
Keywords: convergence, genres, information, journalism, media discourse, PR, press
release, syncretism.
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Price: 50 рублей
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