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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 34 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Modulation in the Music of Franz Schubert (Harmony — Melody — Texture)

E. V. Titova
Price: 50 руб.
The article explores special forms of modulations, which are characterized by the progression into distant constructions through “simple” chords. This type of tonal movement was noted by A. K. Glazunov in the essay “Franz Schubert” published in 1928. The style of F. Shubert brilliantly manifests itself in modulations that
occur at various levels: harmony, melody, and texture. The author demonstrates and analyzes examples of the composer’s vocal and piano creativity. These forms of modulation may be regarded as a constellation of “Schubert harmony” and characterized as archetypal of the composer’s style.
Keywords: F. Schubert, A. K. Glazu nov, modulation, harmony, melody, texture.
1. Asaf’yev B. V. Iz moikh besed s Glazunovym (K desyatiletiyu ego konchiny) //
Asaf’yev B. V. Izbrannye trudy. T. 2. S. 208–224.
2. Berkov V. O. Garmoniya i muzykal’naya forma. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor,1962.
567 s.
3. Bershadskaya T. S. Lektsii po garmonii. 2-e izd. L.: Muzyka, 1982. 238 s.
4. Bershadskaya T. S. Garmoniya kak element muzykal’noy sistemy. SPb.: «UT»,
1997. 192 s.
5. Bershadskaya T. S., Titova E. V. Zvukovysotnaya sistema muzyki: slovar’ klyuchevykh
terminov. 2-e izd. SPb.: Kompozitor-Sankt-Peterburg, 2013. 98 s.
6. Vul’fi us P. A. Frants Shubert: monografi ya. M.: Muzyka, 1983. 447 s.
7. Glazunov A. K. Frants Shubert. Ocherk. L.: ACADEMIA, 1928. 45 s.
8. Konen V. D. Shubert. 2-e izd. M.: Muzgiz, 1959. 318 s.
9. Mazel’ L. A. Voprosy analiza muzyki. 2-e izd. M.: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1978.
376 s.
10. Mentyukov A. P. Ocherki istorii garmonicheskikh stiley. Ch. II. Zapadnoevropeyskaya
klassika XVIII–XIX vv.: uchebnoe posobie po kursu «Istoriya garmonii» /
Novosibirskaya konservatoriya (akademiya) im. M. I. Glinki. Novosibirsk, 2007. 352 s.
11. Sposobin I. V. Lektsii po garmonii. M.: Muzyka, 1969. 245 s.
12. Struchalina E. A. K probleme garmonicheskogo novatorstva Shuberta // Laudamus.
M.: Kompozitor, 1992. S. 262–272.
13. Struchalina E. A. O garmonii Shuberta v otechestvennoy nauke poslednikh
desyatiletiy: podkhody i analiticheskie metody // Muzykal’nye miry Yuriya Nikolaevicha
Kholopova: sbornik statey / redkol.: K. V. Zenkin, M. I. Katunyan. M.: Nauchnoizdatel’skiy
tsentr «Moskovskaya konservatoriya», 2016. S. 314–323.
14. Struchalina E. A. Russkaya nauchnaya literatura o Shuberte // Frants Shubert i
russkaya muzykal’naya kul’tura: sbornik statey / redkol.: Yu. N. Khokhlov (otv. red),
K. V. Zenkin, E. M. Tsareva. M.: Nauchno-issledovatel’skiy tsentr «Moskovskaya
konservatoriya», 2009. S. 211–246.
15. Khokhlov Yu. N. O poslednem periode tvorchestva Shuberta. M.: Muzyka, 1968.
220 s.
16. Khokhlov Yu. N. Pesni Shuberta: Cherty stilya. M.: Muzyka, 1987. 302 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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