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◄"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 33 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Realism in the Legacy of the Chinese Artists of the 20th — Early 21st Centuries

Mi Qiaoming
Price: 50 руб.
The article explores the legacy of the Chinese artists of the 20th – early 21st Centuries, which is traditionally the focus of researchers as a standalone phenomenon of the visual art. Despite the growing corpus of research on the works of the Chinese artists
both within the context of the national Chinese art and in close interrelationship with the Russian/Soviet academic art school, this topic remains relevant.
Keywords: method of realism, true landscape, Russian academic school, Chinese artists
1. Ben Wang. Zhivopis’ maslom Chzhan’ Tszyan’tszyun’ // Isskustvo Pekina. URL:
2. Vystavka Yana Tsin Yi v muzee iskusstv Bo Bao g. Tszinan’. URL: http://mall.
3. Kartiny khudozhnika Din’-a-Lin. URL: http://www.cafa.com.cn/artists/?N=7862
4. Poisk peyzazhey Ku Tsyan’ Dzhiana. URL: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=M
5. Rossiyskaya akademiya khudozhestv. Iskusstvo bez granits. Vystavka proizvedeniy
khudozhnikov-prepodavateley institutov provintsii Kheynan’ (KNR) i MGAKhI
im. V. I. Surikova. URL: http://rah.ru/news/detail.php?ID=32763
6. Zhao Peng. Tvorcheskoe sodruzhestvo Den Shu i Khou Iminya i ego znachenie
v kontekste razvitiya kitayskogo izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva vtoroy poloviny XX —
nachala XXI veka.: dis. … kand. iskusstv. SPb., 2017. 238 s.
7. Yang Junru. Zhivopisnye raboty Ku Tsyan’ Dzhiana. URL: http://blog.sina.com.
Price: 50 рублей
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