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◄"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 33 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

The Concept of “From Now On” in the Structure of the Stories by Ivan Bunin and Anton Chekhov

Nurgyul Ozdemir
Price: 50 руб.
The article is focused on the “From Now On” concept within the framework no textual analysis of iterative adverbial situations in the stories by Ivan Bunin and Anton Chekhov, which aim at the demonstration of eternity. Iterative situations are identifi ed on the basis of contextual analysis; therefore, with the help of the semantic analysis and comparing the meanings of “always” and “forever” of the related adverbs, the article provides clues for the understanding of the characters’ actions and their related context, which is dependent on the type of narrative, as well as the functional role of the parts of speech. The semantic types of iterative of speech are analyzed as the subject of consciousness pertinent to the situation. The article demonstrates that this kind of an adverbial modifi er, unlike other iterative markers, is not only an indicator of
repeatability and familiarity, but also an augmentation of the iteration and a negative judgement rooted in the mindset of the narrator.
Key words: adverb, iterative, repeatability, subjectivity, semantic analysis.
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Price: 50 рублей
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