K. S. Shibanov
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyses the strategy of one of the leading enterprises of the “United Metallurgical Company” — the Casting and Rolling Complex, using the typologies proposed by A. Chandler, M. Porter, Miles and Snow, V. Gerchikov. The long-term goal of the enterprise, its short-term goals, ongoing courses and allocation of resources are defi ned. According to the typology of A. Chandler, at present the Complex uses a “positive” strategy aimed at active consolidation of its position in the market, as well as fi nding new niches. In terms of M. Porter’s competitive strategies, the company is gradually moving to the differentiation strategy – the possibility of competition due to the uniqueness of the product with broad market coverage. According to the Miles and Snow typology, the company follows the strategy of analysis, while achieving operational excellence and developing new products. It was also found out that the predominant component of the Complex, determining one of the six basic missions proposed by I. V. Gerchikov, is focusing on the territory, which is a limiting factor for cost reduction and effi ciency improvement.
Key words: strategy, strategic management, Chandler’s strategies, Porter’s competitive strategies, Miles and Snow model, Gerchikov’s missions.
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