A. L. Gurinskaya
Price: 50 руб.
Crime prevention and the use of proactive strategies aimed at pre-crime becomes a fi rstchoice policy in many countries. However, proactive crime control measures have a
potential to come into confl ict with human rights and freedoms. An overview of the
Prevent strategy adopted in the UK as a measure against radicalisation is provided to
illustrate some controversial aspects of contemporary prevention policies. The article
concludes with a brief analysis of the precautionary principle that is often used as a basis of prevention programmes. The author of the article also argues that the Russian crime control policy can benefi t from the knowledge of the foreign experience and theoretical debates that surround prevention policies.
Key words: crime prevention, crime control policy, counterterrorism, counter-extremism, radicalisation among youth, foreign experience of crime prevention, United Kingdom.
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