M. V. Selezneva
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The article presents the results of the pilot experiment devoted to the formation of subjectness of a language teacher at a military institution of higher education according to ecopsychological approach (V. I. Panov). The method of assessing the stages of a teacher’s subjectness was used for the first time for experimental purposes. The author tries to prove that the ecopsychological model of a teacher’s subjectness formation is a psycho-didactic condition for performing didactic actions, necessary to ensure the feedback and to intensify the educational process. According to Z. M. Tsvetkova, these didactic actions are the basis of professional competence of a teacher of foreign languages. The discriminant analysis made it possible to conduct a more in-depth study of the differences between the stages in the formation of a teacher’s subjectness and the influence of activity characteristics on it. As a result, the author identified four groups of teachers differing in their subjective qualities and stages of professional competence formation.
Key words: a teacher’s subjectness, ecopsychological approach, a teacher’s professional competence, technique of assessment of subjectness stages, discriminant analysis.
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