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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


Yu. V. Kolesnichenko
Price: 50 руб.
The article provides an analytical representation of N. Berdyaev’s concept of personality
in the 1920–1930s. The extreme popularity of his philosophical works both in Russia
and in the Western world, the never-ending interest in his creativity is caused, first
of all, by his close attention to the phenomenon of personality, his non-stop attempt
to investigate the essence of personal being. Berdyaev’s works greatly affected the
formation of individualistic philosophy of France (E. Mounier). Being based on vast
historical data, accomplished with historical, hermeneutical, analytical, synchronic,
diachronic, ideographical and nomothetical research methods and some techniques of psycholinguistic analysis (off-text revealing), the research allows us to associate N.
Berdyaev with other philosophers of the Russian philosophical tradition whose works
were explicitly or implicitly based on the substantial whole – “personality”, understood
as “personhood”, as a basis for the ontical, concrete being.
Key words: Berdyaev, personality, freedom, being, substantiality, existentialism,
individualism, Mounier.
1. Berdyaev N. A. Istina i otkrovenie. Prolegomeny k kritike Otkroveniya. SPb.: RKhGI, 1996. 384 s.
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3. Berdyaev N. A. O rabstve i svobode cheloveka. Opyt personalisticheskoy metafiziki // Tsarstvo dukha i tsarstvo kesarya: M.: Respublika, 1995. 375 s.
4. Berdyaev N. A. Sud’ba cheloveka v sovremennom mire (K ponimaniyu nashey epokhi). Parizh: YMCA-PRESS, 1934. 85 s.
5. Berdyaev N. A. Eticheskaya problema v svete filosofskogo idealizma // Problema idealizma: sbornik statey / pod red. P. I. Novgorodtseva. M.: Izdanie Moskovskogo psikhologicheskogo obshchestva, 1902. S. 9–136.
6. Berdyaev N. A. Emmanuel Mounier. Revolution personaliste et communautaire. Ed. Montaigne // Put’. 1935, № 49. S. 88–91.
7. Gaydenko P. P. Anarkhicheskiy personalizm Nikolaya Berdyaeva // Nikolay Aleksandrovich Berdyaev / pod red. V. N. Porusa. M.: ROSSPEN, 2013. 534 s.
8. Yevlampiev I. I. Absolyut kak svoboda: N. Berdyaev // Nikolay Aleksandrovich Berdyaev / pod red. V. N. Porusa. M.: ROSSPEN, 2013. 534 s.
9. Yermichev A. A. «Ya vsegda byl nich’im chelovekom…» // N. A. Berdyaev pro et contra / Kn. 1. Sost. A. A. Yermichev. SPb.: RKhGI, 1994. 573 s.
10. Kravchenko V. V. Mistitsizm v russkoy filosofskoy mysli XIX — nachala XX veka. M.: Izd. tsentr, 1997. 280 s.
11. Losskiy N. O. Mysli N. A. Berdyaeva o naznachenii cheloveka // N. A. Berdyaev pro et contra / Kn.1. Sost. A. A. Yermichev. SPb.: RKhGI, 1994. 573 s.
12. Nizhnikov S. A. Metafizika very v russkoy filosofii. M.: Infra-M., 2012. 313 s.
13. Porus V. N. Perekrestki metodov (Opyt mezhdistsiplinarnosti v filosofii kul’tury). M.: Kanon+, ROOI Reabilitatsiya, 20013. 384 s.
14. Serbinenko V. V., Grebeshev I. V. Russkaya metafizika XIX–XX vekov. M.: Runivers, 2016. 800 s.
15. Herberg W. General Introduction // Four Existential theologians. A reader from the works of Jacques Maritain, Nicolas Berdyaev, Martin Buber and Paul Tilllich. N.Y.: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1958. 312 pp.
Price: 50 рублей
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