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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


V. D. Didenko, V. V. Kalitskiy
Price: 50 руб.
 Profound social and spiritual changes that characterise the modern cultural dimension
put the problems of studying the uniqueness of the language fund into the number of
important social institutions. In these circumstances, a study on the language of music
will make it possible to determine the depth of the conceptual relationship of music and
culture in general. The paper is aimed to analyse the concepts of the essence of music
that come from understanding it as a “sign” or “symbol”.
Key words: language of music, aesthetics, semantics, semiotics, concept, art,
expressive means.
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5. Orlov G. Semantika muzyki // Problemy muzykal’noy nauki. Vyp. 2. M.: Sov. kompozitor, 1973. S. 434–479.
6. Farbshteyn A. Muzykal’naya estetika i semiotika // Problemy muzykal’nogo myshleniya / sost. i red. M. G. Aranovskiy. M.: Muzyka, 1974. S. 75–89.
7. Farbshteyn A. K postanovke problemy realizma v muzykal’nom iskusstve // Muzyka v sotsialisticheskom obshchestve. Vyp. 1. L.: Muzyka, 1969. S. 129–154.
8. Cherednichenko T. Sovremennaya marksistsko-leninskaya estetika muzykal’nogo iskusstva. M.: Sov. kompozitor, 1988. 318 s.
9. Dufrenne M. Phénoménologie de l’expérience esthétique: Thèse. Paris: Presses univ. de France, 1953. 423 р.
Price: 50 рублей
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