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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 31 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

Food Deliveries during World War I as a Factor of Social and Political Destabilization (A Case Study of Livestock Procurement by the Ufa zemstvos)

G. B. Azamatova
Price: 50 руб.
 Food crisis during World War I as the cause of revolutionary crisis of 1917 is explored through a case study of territorial procurement of meat for the needs of the army. The author details the activities of the territorial institutions of the Ufa province in fulfi lling mandatory quota for cattle procurement in rural areas. She also analyzes political and economic factors specifi c to local methods of appropriation of food and their consequences. Accelerating decentralization of procurement system after the February
revolution of 1917 resulted in the further empowerment of governing bodies at the uezd and volost level. Changes in their social composition led to the transformation of the infrastructural base, which had been loyal to the ruling regime, as well as the change
and seizure of power in the provinces by Bolsheviks.
Keywords: Ufa gubernia, appropriation, zemstvo, World War I, food crisis, food supply,
Conference on food.
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2. Zhurnaly Ufi mskogo gubernskogo zemskogo sobraniya 42 ocherednoy sessii
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3. Zhurnaly Ufimskogo gubernskogo zemskogo sobraniya 1917 g. Ufa: Tipolitografi
ya R. V. Itskovich, 1917. 259 s.
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5. NARB. F. I — 421. Op. 1. D. 6.
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7. Pisarenko E. E. Aleksandr Dmitrievich Tsyurupa / Voprosy istorii. M., 1989.
№ 5. S. 130–153.
8. Postanovleniya Sterlitamakskogo uezdnogo zemskogo sobraniya 44 chrezvychaynoy
sessii 1916 g. Sterlitamak: Tipografi ya tov. «Nur», 1916. 31 s.
9. Protokoly zasedaniya Ufi mskogo gubernskogo komiteta po zagotovke skota i
myasa dlya deystvuyushchikh armiy. Sozyv II. 2–3 iyunya 1916 goda. Ufa: Elektricheskaya
tipografi ya «Pechat’», 1916. 51 s.
10. Protokoly zasedaniya Ufi mskogo gubernskogo komiteta po zagotovke skota i
myasa dlya deystvuyushchikh armiy. Sozyv IV. 11–12 sentyabrya 1916 g. Ufa: Elektricheskaya
tipografi ya «Pechat’», 1916. 45 s.
11. Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Rossii nakanune Velikoy Oktyabr’skoy sotsialisticheskoy
revolyutsii. Dokumenty i materialy. M.; L.: Izdatel’stvo AN SSSR, 1957.
Ch. 2. 655 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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