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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


D. I. Kuznetsov, N. V. Makhova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article reveals the peculiarities of the formation of the Eurasian scientific and
educational space. The authors note the important role of the modern Eurasian integration processes. These processes are carried out in accordance with the “Eurasian turn” and contribute to the development of a new scientific and educational space. It becomes a basis for the formation of innovative knowledge for the future, new competencies of graduates, defined by modern technological integrations, requirements of world class universities and corresponding to the unique intellectual, resource and technological potential of Russia and the Eurasian region. The authors also point out that the important role in the formation of the scientific and educational space of Eurasia is given to the unique geopolitical position of Russia and the Eurasian region, which is the link between scientific, educational and industrial strategies of the West and East.
Key words: Eurasianism, scientific and educational space, technology integration,
innovative knowledge, geopolitical features of Russia, integration processes, national
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Price: 50 рублей
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