Decorative Elements in the Artwork by A. A. Mylnikov
Wang Chao
Price: 50 руб.
Continuous technological developments in the modern society bring
about the drastic changes in human thinking. In the endless pursuit
of higher artistic and aesthetic values and due to public demand
for art objects, the artists no longer pedantically reproduce images
of phenomena and real objects but rather become innovators themselves. In this new creative and innovative process the decorative elements are becoming an integral part of the paintings. That is also true with regard to the art works created by A. A. Mylnikov. The artist constantly applies new features to his paintings by introducing
decorative elements. The author reviews the concept of decorative
painting and provides analysis of decorative features of the Russian master’s works. Keywords: decorativeness, A. A. Mylnikov, painting art.
1. Hua Haijing, Xie Qiaohong, Hu Jianqiang.Dizaynerskie elementy v zapadnoy
modernistskoy zhivopisi // Mirovoe izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo. 2003. № 4. S. 64–67.
(华海镜,谢巧红,胡坚强. 西方现代派绘画中的设计因素[J] .世界美术, 2003,
(4): 64–67).
2. QuanShanshi. Russkiy khudozhnik A. A. Myl’nikov. Izdatel’stvo izobrazitel’nykh
iskusstv provintsii Shan’dun. 2002. 87 s. (全山石. 俄罗斯画家梅尔尼科夫[M]. 山东
美术出版社, 2002).