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"The Scientific Opinion" №4 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017

The levels of moral deve lopment of Russian entrepreneurs

L. M. Kotenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The author examines the ethical attitudes in Russian business from the perspective of
social psychology. Ethical choices and preferences of entrepreneurs of premoral and
social levels are analysed on the basis of the empirical data.
Key words: ethical attitudes, business, entrepreneurs, business owners, levels of moral
1. Bratus’ B. S. Psikhologicheskie aspekty nravstvennogo razvitiya lichnosti. M.: Znanie, 1977. S. 15–18.
2. Zhuravlev A. L., Kupreychenko A. B. Nravstvenno-psikhologicheskaya regulyatsiya delovoy aktivnosti. M.: Institut psikhologii RAN, 2003. S. 3–5.
3. Red’kina M. V. Delovoe povedenie rossiyskoy molodezhi: politiko-psikhologicheskiy aspekt: dis. na soisk. uch. step. kand. ped. nauk. SPb., 2003. 163 s.
4. Kohlberg L. Continuities in Childhood and Adult Moral Development Revisited // Life-Span Develomental Psychology ed by P. Batles and Schare, N. Y., 1973.
Price: 50 рублей
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