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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 23 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

Draconian Ornament as an Artistic Expression of the Dragon Image in the Arts and Crafts of China

Bian Zilong
Price: 50 руб.
 «Draconian ornament» is one of the elements of traditional Chinese culture, one of the decorative motifs, often used in Chinese arts and crafts from ancient times to the present day, one of the eternal themes of traditional décor with a domestic cultural sense.
Keywords: dragon, ornament, classifi cation, artistic expression.
1. Wang Dayou. Istoki kul’tury Drakona i Feniksa. Pekin: Izd-vo «Sovremennaya
ekonomika Kitaya», 2008. (na kitayskom yazyke)
2. Dong Guangjie. Potomki drakona i dukh drakona — Vsmatrivayas’ v kul’turnye
traditsii Kitaya. Pekin: Izd-vo «Kitayskiy tekstil’», 2001.(na kitayskom yazyke)
3. Ren Cheng. Narodnye totemy i tabu. Pekin: Izd-vo «Kitayskoe obshchestvo»,
4. Kravtsova M. E. Mirovaya khudozhestvennaya kul’tura. Istoriya iskusstva Kitaya:
uchebnoe posobie. SPb.: Izd-vo «Lan’», «TRIADA», 2004. 960 s.: il. + vkl. (32 s.).
5. Ning Yegao, Xia Gozhen.Besedy o kitayskoy kul’ture blagikh predznamenovaniy.
Pekin: Izd-vo Tsentral’nogo universiteta natsional’nostey, 1999.
Price: 50 рублей
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