A. Yu. Saran
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes the reform of the administrative and territorial division in the USSR in the period of 1923–1934 which envisaged replacement of gubernias with larger oblasts and resulted in formation of new regional elites. The future of mega-regions and regional elites was closely associated with the political struggle in the country's leadership and the consolidation of Stalin’s personal power.
Keywords: administrative and territorial division, reform, megaregions, regional
elites, Stalin.
1. Grekov B. D. Kievskaya Rus’.M., 1949.510 s.
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3. Saran A. Yu. Bol’shaya Orlovshchina. Istoriya administrativnykh granits. 1566–
2012 gg. Orel: Izd-vo Orel GAU, 2013. 296 s.
4. Slovar’ terminov. URL: http://library.ispu.ru: 8001/history/2/13tema13/ person13.
html (data obrashcheniya: 05.11.2016).
5. Taycho A. Sheboldaev. URL: http http://maxpark.com/community/14/content/2332345. Data obrashcheniya 5.11.2016.
6. TsIK SSSR. Administrativno-territorial’noe delenie SSSR na 15 iyulya 1934. M.:
Vlast’ Sovetov, 1934. XXXII, 350 s.