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The article covers the phonetic interference of the Chinese and Russian languages, as
well as the problematics of learning Russian language phonetics. The author created a
classifiation of Russian sounds in comparison with Chinese ones. In order to reveal potential diffiulties, which Chinese students may have in learning Russian pronunciation,
the author analysed sounds close in articulation in Russian and Chinese. Then the Russian sounds were divided into three groups according to the degree of difference increasing in their articulation, and also the key pronunciation mistakes of Chinese students were highlighted (including those related to the specifis of the Chinese language and its dialects). The author also gives some methodological comments on teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language, Chinese language, articulation, comparison, difference, classifiation, pronunciation mistakes.
1. Bitekhtina N. B., Klimova V. N. Russkiy yazyk kak inostrannyi: fonetika. M.: Russkiy yazyk. Kursy, 2011.
2. Lyubimova N. A. Lingvisticheskie osnovy obucheniya artikulyatsii russkikh zvukov. Postanovka i korrektsiya. M.: Russkiy yazyk. Kursy, 2011.