M. I. Bogomolova
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The relevance of issues considered in the paper is caused by the fact that various aspects of national and international education of children are discussed in pedagogics. But despite the variety of problems under discussion, the historical aspect in pedagogical
heritage is still poorly studied. The author of the article shows the historical outline of
emergence and development of the nation, national education, and interprets different
defiitions of the basic concepts’ content within the considered problem.
Key words: national education, community, ethnic group, ethnos, universal human
tasks, nation, nationality, civic consciousness, citizenship, national pedagogics, ethnopedagogics.
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3. Bogomolova M. I. Natsional’noe vospitanie i dvuyazychie v istorii pedagogicheskikh ucheniy. Kazan’, 1998. 440 s.
4. Volkov G. N. Etnopedagogika: uchebnoe posobie dlya stud. sred. i vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy. M.: Akademiya, 1999. 168 s.
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