O. N. Stolyarov, B. E. Melnikov
Price: 50 руб.
A prospective technology for manufacturing polymer composites is based on weft-knitted reinforced fabrics. Weft-knitted fabrics play an important role in composite reinforcement because of their unique properties. In this work, various types of weft-knitted fabrics made of high-strength aramid yarns have been developed. It was found that unlike brittle glass and carbon yarns, aramid multifi lament yarns are can be effectively used in weft-knitting. The experiment was carried out to examine the tensile properties of weft-knitted fabrics and polymer based composites in a number of various weft-knitted structures.
Test results of fabrics and composites tensile properties are presented and the infl uence of the knit architecture of weft-knitted fabrics on the properties of polymer composites was investigated.
Keywords: weft-knitted fabrics, composites, tensile strength, tensile modulus, aramid
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