N. K. Matrosova
Price: 50 руб.
The article touches upon the general methodological problems of scientifi cognition.
The author studies the cognitive status of typological constructs and reveals the
methodological signifiance of scientifi principle. The application of the notion “method”
is considered in terms of typological constructs, and the great legitimacy of the use of the
concept “approach” is shown. The author analyses theory as a form of systematisation of
scientifi knowledge, and examines the variants of socio-humanistic theories, which can
include typological constructs represented as “theories-systematisations”. The conducted
comparative analysis of typology and theory made it possible to point out the logical and
methodological characteristics of each of these forms of ordering and generalisation of
knowledge. The author notes the functional proximity of theory and typology, and the
possibility of the “type” concept to be a complete theoretical form. The article highlights
the modern educational trends, which can be realised through typological constructs.
Key words: method, approach, systematisation, wholeness, theory, principle, typology.
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