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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 20 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

Hybrid Genres of Motion Pictures and Video Essays in Motion Pictures Continuum: History, Speci fi cs and Perspectives

E. A. Glazkova
Price: 50 руб.
 Media culture and fi lm nowadays undergo in fi ltration and hybridization processes. The dramatic example of these transformations is the genre of video essay and its forerunner, i.e. the essay fi lm. Continuity of artistic tradition, technological convergence and democratization in the artistic expression, which is typical for the age of Internet,
create a favorable environment for the further development of video essay, which acquires new features such as interactivity, as well as expansion of the essayistic aesthetics into the screen culture.
Keywords: video essay, essay fi lm, essayism, media hybridization, distancing,
Internet, convergence.
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11. Epshteyn M. N. Khronotsid. Prolog k voskresheniyu vremeni. Znak probela:
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12. Epshteyn M. N. Esseistika kak nulevaya distsiplina. URL: http://www.emory.
13. Epshteyn M. N.  Esse ob esse. URL: http://www.emory.edu/INTELNET/
14. Jenkins H. The Future Started 10 Minutes Ago and You Are Already Late To the
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15. Rose F. Columbia’s fi rst annual Digital Dozen: Breakthroughs in Storytelling.
URL: http://www.deepmediaonline.com/deepmedia/2016/01/columbias-digital-dozenbreakthroughs-in-storytelling.html#more
16. Video essay suite // URL: http://www.blackbird.vcu.edu/v9n1/gallery/ve-intro/
Price: 50 рублей
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