E. L. Alexandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The article explores the basic origins and prototypes of the Austro-German piano music: the traditions of Lied and Liedertafel, the Italian art of bel canto, the in fl uence of chamber and orchestra music styles, etc. The author discusses the hierarchy of homophonic texture in the light of the “highlight and background” theory. Special attention is drawn to the piano legacy of Fr. Schubert by elucidating the semantic and drama contents of the texture of his works.
Keywords: musical romanticism, piano music, texture, highlight and background, origins, genre, drama, Fr. Schubert, C. M. von Weber, F. Mendelssohn.
1. Vul’fi us P. A. Frants Shubert. Ocherki zhizni i tvorchestva. M.: Muzyka, 1983.
446 s.
2. Goryukhina N. A. Ocherki po voprosam muzykal'nogo stilya i formy. Kiev:
Muzichna Ukraina, 1985. 119 s.
3. Ruch’yevskaya E. A. Funktsii muzykal'noy temy. L.: Muzyka, 1977. 158 s.