V. I. Kulakov
Price: 50 руб.
Article focuses on the introduction of the notion of the archival and museum materials related to the excavation of the Grebiten burial grounds in the western part of the Sambia peninsula, currently the Zelenograd district of the Kaliningrad Region, which heretofore were regarded as irretrievable. These materials allowed not only to introduce this data for scientifi c use, but also to re-examine the facts related to the fi rst publications of this most signi fi cant archeological artefact of the Aestii. One of the conclusions derived from the probe of the material of the Grebiten burial grounds was that the references to the inventory of funerary gifts in the publications by G. Buyak were incomplete. As a result of the museum and archival work with the new data on the old excavations it became possible to demonstrate the abundance and diversity of the working tools inventory of the population of the western part of the Sambia peninsula who controlled amber prospecting and trade.
Keywords: Sambia, amber, Grebiten, excavation.
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