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"The Scientific Opinion" №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


A. E. Radeev
Price: 50 руб.
 There are a lot of approaches to aesthetic experience in aesthetics and other sciences,
but the issue of the processual nature of aesthetic experience received little attention.
The article proposes an approach, according to which one can distinguish two sides in
aesthetic experience as a process – a static side, i.e. a set of aesthetic representations,
and a dynamic side, i.e. a set of aesthetic feelings. The article emphasises that none of
the sides does not fully represent aesthetic experience, but their analysis helps to solve a
number of problems in aesthetic theory.
K e y w o r d s: aesthetic experience, sides of experience, process, methodology of science, history of aesthetics.
1. Cupchik G. C. From perception to production: A multilevel analysis of the aesthetic process // Emerging visions of the aesthetic process: Psychology, semiology, and philosophy. Ed. by G. C. Cupchik and J. Laszlo. Cambridge University Press, 1992. P. 61–81.
2. Ingarden R. Aesthetic Experience and Aesthetic Object // Philosophy And Phenomenological Research. 1961. Vol. XXI. № 3. P. 289–313.
3. Jakobson B., Wickman P.-O. The Roles of Aesthetic Experience in Elementary School Science // Research in Science Education. 2008. Vol. 38. № 1. P. 45–65.
4. Shusterman R. Complexities of Aesthetic Experience: Response to Johnston // The Journal of Aesthetic Education. 2004. Vol. 38. № 4. P. 109–112.
Price: 50 рублей
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