T. S. Makarova
Price: 50 руб.
The article highlights the main defiitions related to visual impairments, the ones that a
teacher, taking a student with visual impairments in the class, should know. The author
describes the modern international classifiations of visual function levels, features of
approaches to classifying in different countries, as well as consequences of visual impairment in terms of teaching this category of students.
Key words: inclusive education, visual impairment, visually impaired, blind, educational needs.
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2. Morozova E. A. Nekotorye aspekty obucheniya slepykh i slabovidyashchikh inostrannomu yazyku // Unikal’nye issledovaniya XXI veka. Kazan’, 2015. № 4 (4). S. 51–56.
3. Tifltsentr: razrabotka, izgotovlenie i postavka taktil’nykh sredstv dlya adaptatsii ob’yektov vo vse regiony Rossiyskoy Federatsii. URL: http://tiflcentre.ru/stati-kolichestvo-slepyh-i-invalidov-po-zreniju-vRossii.php
4. Diagram of the Eye // National Eye Institute (NEI). URL: http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/eyediagram/index.asp
5. The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). URL: http://www.afb.org/default.aspx
6. The National Federation of the Blind (NFB). URL: https://nfb.org/
7. The NICHCY publication Visual Impairments. URL: http://www.drtconsultant.org/upload/14.%20Visual%20Impairment.pdf
8. Visual Standards, Aspects and Ranges of Vision Loss with emphasis on Population Surveys // International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). URL: http://www.icoph.org/downloads/visualstandardsreport.pdf