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"The Scientific Opinion" №6-7 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016

SUBJECTIVE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE ORGANISATIONAL CRISIS SITUATION (the case of a constructional organisation in the period of crises of 2008 and 2015)

O. O. Gofman, N. E. Vodopianova
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper presents the results of the retrospective assessment of the 2008 crisis and
evaluation of the relevant experiences of the 2015 crisis in the construction industry. The
authors study employees’ expectations of the difficulties in professional activity after 7
years. It is revealed that the working efficiency crisis in 2008 is estimated by workers more as a result of the deficiency of professional competencies, i. e. orientation on themselves. The crisis of 2015 is increasingly seen as a consequence of external, organisational reasons. This indicates the increase of the extrapunitive reaction on the responsibility for loss of work and the decrease of the internal (intrapunitive) responsibility for current developments. The novelty of the work consists in providing the empirical evidence: with the escalation of the crisis, ideas on the actual and future organisational situation become more uncertain (“fuzzy”), career motivation decreases, and the orientation and hope for the resource of collective interaction get stronger.
Key words: subjective representation, resource, crisis, professionally difficult situation,
motivational orientation, constructional occupations.
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Price: 50 рублей
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