V. Kh. Adilova
Price: 50 руб.
Obtaining of new knowledge resulted in the need to consider technological grounds
of the formation of the intellectual labour culture as one of the leading directions in
increasing the efficiency of the social and pedagogical process. The technology of
the intellectual labour culture formation as a system category comprises structural
components and functions as a system of regularities and principles. Philosophical,
psychological, pedagogical and sociological provisions act as regulatives and are a part of the technology’s methodological support. Purposeful formation of students’ intellectual
labour culture is not only a condition for the full development of a personality, but
also an important factor of the efficiency and productivity of the educational process.
The relevance of justification of laws and principles of the intellectual labour culture
formation as a philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical phenomenon
has practical value, since it is directed at overcoming the gap between high demands to
the culture of labour made at the entrance to the information and education environment
and the insufficient level of its development at previous stages of education.
Key words: intellectual labour culture, principle of psychophysical unity, intellectual
operations, materially true cognition, formally true cognition, laws of the intellectual
labour culture formation.
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