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"The Scientific Opinion" №6-7 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


V. I. Nazarov, S. V. Pantuyshina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article represents the data accumulated during the period of about 30 years. The
authors investigated structural characteristics of a socio-perceptive image in management (the image of a company head). A group of women working in the production industry acted as respondents. As a result of the research 2 main features of a company head have been revealed: his/her activities directed towards the pursuit of the company interests as well as towards the support of people working for the company. The data were obtained while studying the structure of real company heads’ images and the reconstruction of the so-called ideal head image. The recurrent character of the phenomenon makes it possible to consider it an example of social representation.
Key words: social perception in management, image of a head, structure, core, workers
of production, social representations.
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Price: 50 рублей
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