D. A. Fedorov
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the interpretation and explanation of the meanings of several
concepts from the social and philosophical lexicon of the Roman thinker Marcus
Tullius Cicero used to refer to phenomena of social life. The article is relevant due
to the relatively weak coverage of the philosophical conceptual framework of Cicero
in scientific literature. This is especially true about a number of social and territorial
phenomena, such as “society”, “civil community”, “city”, etc., which are interpreted
specifically enough in the writings of Cicero. In this article the author attempts to
clarify the meaning of these terms, with an emphasis on the originality of interpretations
proposed by the Roman thinker. The author’s conclusions can be of interest to specialists
in the field of the history of social philosophy and social and political theory of antiquity.
Key words: social philosophy, history of philosophy, Cicero, antiquity, ancient Rome.
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