R. R. Ishkildin, A. P. Verevkin, A. U. Koryakin, A. T. Murzagalin, I. V. Ignatov, A. U. Korotchenko
Price: 50 руб.
This article states the reasons for developing simulators to improve the safety and efficiency of automated technological complexes. It addresses the difficulties involved in
simulator development and explains why not every company can purchase simulators
for all its technological objects. It also describes a method of developing simplified
simulators based on data mining and an automated system for creating simulators in
the O&G industry. The system ensures the fast and simple development of simulators
for training operating personnel. The system contains means of developing mathematical models, a library of basic elements, the basiс template of a simulator and an
examiner panel. To simulate the technological process, a special mathematical model
was developed. This model provides enough precision (for educational purposes) and
is very simple to create. The method and software facilities allow creating models by
specialists with little to no knowledge of mathematical modeling.
Keywords: simulator, constructor, automated system, math model, training.
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