S. S. Vladimirova, T. S. Vologova, A. P. Ivanova,
Price: 50 руб.
The paper covers the issues of classification and functions of various education
environments. The authors analyse effective tools integrating the maximum number
of functions of the education environment and minimising its risks, one of which is
project activity. The paper presents the results of many years’ experience of the chair
of Russian as a foreign language in designing the education environment for realisation
of educational, scientific and creative capabilities of foreign students based on a certain
project. Special attention is paid to the ways of increasing students’ motivation for
scientific creativeness and stages of work on a project. Considering certain material, the
authors prove that organisation of this kind of activity contributes to the creation of an
effective education environment of the chair and helps to reduce its risks.
Key words: foreign students, Russian as a foreign language, education environment,
education environment, project method, student scientific conference.
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