E. A. Tyugashev
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By analogy with the problem of demarcation of scientific knowledge, which is a traditional problem for philosophy of science, the problem of demarcation of philosophy is formulated in the paper. It is shown that the problems of demarcation of science, philosophy, religion and other types of knowledge can be solved only in social philosophy based on the principle of the unity of forms of social consciousness and social practice (social relations). In the history of philosophy and metaphilosophical reflection it is recognised that genetically, structurally and functionally philosophy is most closely related to politics. This distinguishes philosophy from religion, which is genetically related to morals, and from art, which develops in the unity with aesthetic activities and aesthetic relations. Thus, philosophy is a “political” worldview or representation of the world in the categories of politics. The author proposes to carry out the demarcation of separate fragments of philosophical knowledge through the identification with specific philosophical traditions and trends.
Key words: demarcation, philosophy, metaphilosophy, philosophy of philosophy,
specificity of philosophy, nature of philosophy.
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