L. A. Artemyeva
Price: 50 руб.
At present, electronic dictionaries have almost completely replaced the classical ones
in the process of modern foreign language learning. As the practical experience shows,
the German language is not an exception here. Unfortunately, translation e-dictionaries
do not fully meet the major principles of practical lexicography and reliability criteria
from the perspective of communicated information. Even using the most up-to-date
textbooks, it is impossible to learn a foreign language proficiently and apply the obtained knowledge in your own speech without a practice of adequate work with a classical dictionary.
Key words: classical translation dictionary, online dictionaries in the Internet,
disregard of semantics and meanings of translated words, lexical and grammatical
mistakes, communication failures.
1. Berkov V. P. Dvuyazychnaya leksikografiya. SPb: Izdatel’stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 1996. 248 s.
2. Sprashivali — otvechaem // Argumenty i fakty. 2013. № 52 (1049).
3. Sabitova Z. K. Lingvokul’turologiya. M.: Flinta; Nauka, 2013. 522 s.
4. Shcherba L. V. Yazykovaya sistema i rechevaya deyatel’nost’. L.: Nauka, 1974. 428 s.
5. Elektronnyi slovar’ ABBYY Lingvo. URL: www.lingvo-online.ru (data obrashcheniya: 24.12.2015).
6. Wahrig G. Deutsches Wörterbuch. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag GmBH, Gütersloh, 1994. 1824 S.