Yu. V. Anufrieva
Price: 50 руб.
The article covers the possibilities of management of the pedagogical process in a
continuing education system for the purpose of forming leadership and professional
skills by means of value-oriented technologies. Some theories of leadership and the
international experience are considered as a basis of the possibility of training leaders in modern conditions. The author determines the main objective of pedagogical influence and effect in the course of teaching – to create individual thinking about the potential of leadership and about the development of a trainee›s own skills and his/her formation as an effective manager (leader) in companies of different forms of ownership. Based on the results of the conducted research, the author justifies the need of transition to designing and preparation of value-oriented contents of work programmes, tasks and funds of estimation means taking into account the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards.
Key words: training, leadership, moral and leadership skills, value-oriented and
profession-oriented technologies, culture.
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